Coinciding with the 10th anniversary of its opening, Museo Novecento thus celebrates Louise Bourgeois, one of the absolute protagonists of 20th and 21st century art with the exhibition Do Not Abandon Me. The project brings fer works to Florence for the first time.
On display are almost one hundred works, including many works on paper created in the 2000s and sculptures of various sizes, in fabric, bronze, marble and other materials, as well as Spider Couple.  
The exhibition is divided between the rooms on the ground floor and first floor, occupying almost the entire building, and presents to the public many gouaches made during the last five years of Bourgeois’s life, that explore the cycles of life through an iconography of sexuality, procreation, birth, motherhood, feeding, dependency, the couple, the family unit, and flowers, with a focus on the mother-child dyad. 
Bourgeois experienced feelings of isolation and loneliness even in the midst of family life. She traced such emotions to the "trauma of abandonment" she experienced when her father left for World War I and she was not yet three years old. In Do Not Abandon Me, the ties that bind father and daughter are transferred to mother and child, connected by the umbilical cord. 

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