immagine Firenzecard

Firenzecard: the only official museum pass!

Firenzecard is the only official museum pass promoted by the City of Florence. Beware of imitations, of cards and passes sold online that are not official. With Firenzecard, you are guaranteed a secur...
immagine del David

How to activate Restart

Has your Firenzecard expired and do you want to activate Restart in a free Promo? We explain below how to add 48 free hours to your Firenzecard: wait for your Firenzecard to expire; install Firenzeca...
Immagine sala di Palazzo Vecchio

Book the Palazzo Vecchio Museum online

From today, December 9, you can book your visit to the Palazzo Vecchio Museum, the Stefano Bardini Museum and the Novecento Museum through the Firenzecard app or online directly on the Firenzecard web...
Immagine loggiato Uffizi

How to book Uffizi and Accademia tickets with Firenzecard

Your Firenzecard includes entry to the Uffizi Gallery and the Accademia Gallery, as well as the reservation fee and any special exhibitions at no additional cost. For Firenzecard holders there are ded...
Immagine di una delle sale con gli autoritratti degli artisti

The self-portrait rooms at the Uffizi Galleries

For the first time within the Uffizi's visiting itinerary and with a completely new layout, the artists' self-portraits are once again visible in the Uffizi Galleries: 12 rooms for 255 works and 600 y...
Immagine di alcuni abiti

A journey into fashion: the Museum of Costume of Palazzo Pitti

After 3 years of work, the Museum of Costume and Fashion of Palazzo Pitti has reopened its doors, adding new clothes to the permanent collection: 12 new rooms with a selection of over 50 dresses and c...
Immagine di un punto vendita

Where to buy in Florence

Are you in Florence? Buy Firenzecard at one of our authorized sales points to visit the museums of the Circuit without worries ... Firenzecard is all-inclusive! These are our sales points: Santa Mari...
Immagine sala dei pappagalli

The Royal Apartments reopen

After 5 years, reopen the Royal Apartments of Palazzo Pitti, where the Medici, Lorena and Savoy families lived. Starting from January 21, 2025, the Royal Apartments of Palazzo Pitti can be visited, fr...