Immagine mano con card

Is Firenzecard worth it?

Mar, 03/04/2025 - 11:37

We know that value for money is a major priority for visitors to Florence, and many ask “is Firenzecard worth it?”. The short answer is that if you’re visiting the “Renaissance city” to get to know its art and culture, Firenzecard is most certainly a good tool to be able to access all the museums with one simple payment. But let’s look at the cost breakdown in detail.

Is Firenzecard worth it if I just want to see the main museums?

If this is your first time in Florence, you will probably want to visit the must-see museums like the Uffizi and Accademia, as well as the complex of Palazzo Pitti. We also recommend that for a well-rounded visit you see one of the major churches like Santa Croce or Santa Maria Novella, the seat of government Palazzo Vecchio, and Michelangelo’s architecture and sculpture at the Medici Chapels. As one adult visiting all these locations, if you were to plan your trip and reserve tickets online individually, you would spend 101,50. Reservations are obligatory for the Uffizi and Accademia Galleries, and that is included with your Firenzecard following the dedicated process.

 MUST HAVE  Full-price
 Booking fee
Gallerie Uffizi 25.00 € 4.00 €
Galleria Accademia 16.00 € 4.00 €
Palazzo Pitti 16.00 € 3.00 €
Cappelle Medicee 9.00 € 3.00 €
Palazzo Vecchio 12.50 € 1.00 €
Santa Croce 8.00 €  
Santa Maria Novella 7.50 € 1.00 €
TOTAL AMOUNT   110.00 €

Is Firenzecard worth it for a family traveling with children?

One of the principal advantages of Firenzecard is that you can add any children under age 18 that are part of your nuclear family to your card. In many museums, children do pay an entry fee, albeit reduced, and this can really add up! Kids might not love visiting the more challenging large museums like the Uffizi, so we’ve considered some of the more kid-friendly activities as follows: a visit to the Boboli Gardens where kids can run and explore ancient fountains and pathways; the Museo Galileo which takes you through a history of science; climbing up the Torre d’Arnolfo for a great view of the city; the Stibbert Museum with its strange armour collection and beautiful park loved by local children too; the newly reopened La Specola museum with amazing rocks and botanical waxes; Palazzo Davanzati to discover a merchant’s house museum and imagine what life was like in the late Middle Ages; and finally Palazzo Vecchio, which kids will find super impressive. The cost to visit all of these with just one adult and one child is €102. With two children and one parent the cost rises to €121. If your kids are older and you’re doing to add some of the don’t miss museums listed above, of course you’d be spending quite a bit more.
If this seems like a lot of museums in just three days, consider this: some of the smaller museums like the Stibbert or Palazzo Davanzati can easily be done in an hour followed by a run in the park or a gelato. And best of all, in 2024, the Firenzecard Restart is free, so the length of your Firenzecard is actually 5 days, not 3.

 WITH KIDS  Full-price     ticket   Reduced ticket for kids  Booking     fee 
Giardino Boboli 10.00 €   6.00 €
Museo Galileo 13.00 € 7.00 €  
Torre d'Arnolfo 12.50 €   1.00 €
Museo Stibbert 10.00 € 7.00 €  
La Specola 10.00 € 5.00 €  
Palazzo Davanzati 7.00 €    
Palazzo Vecchio 12.50 €   1.00 €
TOTAL AMOUNT   1 Adult + 1 Kid 102€
TOTAL AMOUNT   1 Adult + 2 Kids 121€

If I want to see the Top Ten museums in Florence, should I get Firenzecard?

Well we may be a bit biased when we say that Firenzecard is the perfect museum pass to be able to visit the top ten museums in Florence. These ten museums can be seen in three days, though if you’d like to take advantage of the Firenzecard Restart, which is free in 2024, you can take a bit longer in each museum and spread it out over five days for no further cost.
We’ve considered the cost of buying individual tickets online with reservation for one adult for the following museums: Uffizi Gallery, Accademia Gallery, Palazzo Pitti, Medici Chapels, Palazzo Vecchio, the church of Santa Croce, Boboli Gardens, San Lorenzo basilica, Palazzo Medici Riccardi (with its temporary exhibition included), and the Basilica of Santa Maria Novella. The total cost of all these tickets and their reservations is €148,50. That’s a savings of €63,50 if you’re using a Firenzecard! And once you have the card and five days to explore the city, what’s stopping you from seeing more?

 TOP TEN  Full-price   ticket  Booking   fee   Exhibitions fee
Gallerie Uffizi 25.00 € 4.00 €  
Galleria Accademia 16.00 € 4.00 €  
Palazzo Pitti 16.00 € 3.00 €  
Cappelle Medicee 9.00 € 3.00 €  
Palazzo Vecchio 12.50 € 1.00 €  
Santa Croce 8.00 €    
Giardino Boboli 10.00 € 3.00 €  
San Lorenzo 9.00 €    
Palazzo Medici Riccardi 10.00 € 1.50 € 5.00 €
Santa Maria Novella 7.50 € 1.00 €  
TOTAL AMOUNT     148.50 €